Seismic effects on nuclear installations introduction, summary and recommendations


  • Editor



The following papers are excerpts from the submission of the Working Group for Seismic Effects on Nuclear Installations to the 1977 Royal Commission on Nuclear Power.


United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (1975), "Reactor Safety Study: An Assessment of Accident Risk in U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Plants", WASH-1400.

Sutton, H. C., (1976), "Nuclear Energy in a Food Exporting Country", Evidence presented by DSIR to the Royal Commission on Nuclear Power Generation, December 1976.

Adams, R. D. and Kean, R. J., (1974), "The Dunedin Earthquake 9 April 1974, Part I: Seismological Studies", Bull. N.Z. Nat. Soc. Earthquake Eng., 7 115-122 1974.

Dick, I. D., 1965, "Extreme Value Theory and Earthquakes", 3rd World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, III, 45-52.

Eiby, G. A., 1957, "Earthquakes", Frederick Muller, 207 pp.

Eiby, G. A., 1964, "Northland Earthquakes of 1963 Nov-Dec. and the Seismicity of Northland", N.Z.J. Geol. Geophys., 7 745-765. DOI:

Eiby, G. A., 1968, "An Annotated List of New Zealand Earthquakes 1460-1965", N.Z.J. Geol. Geophys., 11 630-47. DOI:

Eiby, G. A., 1975, "A History of Anti-Seismic Measures in New Zealand", Bull. N.Z. Nat. Soc. Earthquake Eng., 8 255-9. DOI:

Richter, C. F., 1958, "Elementary Seismology", W. H. Freeman & Co., 768 pp.

Smith, W. D. 1976, "Statistical Estimates of the Likelihood of Earthquake Shaking Throughout New Zealand", Bull. N.Z. Nat. Soc. Earthquake Eng., 9, 213-221.

McKay, A., 1886, "On the Geology of the Eastern Part of Marlborough Provincial District". N.Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1885, 27-136.

Ongley, M., 1943a, "Surface Trace of the 1855 Earthquake". Trans. Roy. Soc. N.Z. 73, 84-80.

McKay, A., 1890, "On the Earthquakes of September 1888 in the Amuri and Marlborough Districts of the South Island". N.Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1888-1889, 1-16.

Grange, L. I., 1932, "Taupo Earthquakes 1922". N.Z. Jl. Sci. Tech. 14, 139-141.

Fyfe, H. E., 1929, "Movements on the White Creek Fault, N.Z.". N.Z. Jl. Sci. Tech. 11, 192-197.

Henderson, J., 1937, "The West Nelson Earthquakes of 1929". Bull. Dep. Sci. Ind. Res. 55.

Henderson, J., 1933, "The Geological Aspects of the Hawkes Bay Earthquakes". Bull. N.Z. Dept. Sci. Ind. Res. 43.

Walshe, H. E., 1937, "Earth Movements in Hawkes Bay District Disclosed by Triangulation", N.Z. Jl. Sci. Tech. 18, 852-4.

Ongley, M., 1943B, "Wairarapa Earthquake of 24 June, 1942 together with map Showing Surface Traces of Faults Recently Active". N.Z. Jl. Sci. Tech. 25, 67-78.

Lensen, G. J., 1970, "Elastic and Non-Elastic Surface Deformation in N.Z.". Bull. N.Z. Soc. Earthquake Eng. 3(4), 131-147. DOI:

Lensen, G. J. and Otway, P. M., 1971, "Earthshift and Post Earthquake Deformation Associated with the May 1968 Inangahua Earthquake, New Zealand, R. Soc. N.Z. Bull. 9, 107-116.

Marshall, P., 1933, "Effects of Earthquake on Coast-Line near Napier", N.Z. Jl. Sci. Tech. 15(1), 79-92.

Oborn, L. E., 1974, "Seismic Phenomena and Engineering Geology". Proc. 2nd Int. Congr. Int. Assoc. of Eng. Geology, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1, Th II, GR-1-41.

Seed, H. Bolton, 1968, "Landslides During Earthquakes Due to Soil Liquefaction". Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, Proceedings of A.S.C.E. Vol. 91, No. SM5, September 1968. DOI:

Heath, R. A., 1976, "The Response of Several New Zealand Harbours to the 1960 Chilean Tsunami". Roy. Soc. N.Z. Tsunami Research Symp. 1974. Bull. 15.

Laing, A.CM., 1954, "Note on Tsunamis Reaching New Zealand". N.Z. Jl. Sci. Tech. Section. B 35(6), 470-2.

Kear, D. and Thompson, B. N., 1964, "Volcanic Risk in Northland", N.Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 7, 87-93. DOI:

Searle, E. J., 1964, "City of Volcanoes. A Geology of Auckland." Paul's Book Arcade Auckland and Hamilton.

Nathan, S., 1976, "Taupo Volcanic Zone Outline of Geology", 25th Int. Geol. Congr. Excursion Guide No. 55A and 56A. Volcanic and Geothermal Geology of the Central North Island, New Zealand. Table 2, p. 12.

Grant-Taylor, T. L., 1964, "Volcanic History of Western Taranaki". N.Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 7, 78-86. DOI:

International Atomic Energy Agency. Division of Nuclear Safety and Environ- mental Protection. 1975. Safety Guide on Earthquakes and Associated Topics for Nuclear Power Station Siting. International Atomic Energy Agency unpublished pp. 34 + append.

Cluff, L. S., Slemmons, D. B. and Waggoner, E. B., 1970, "Active Fault Zone Hazards and Related Problems of Siting Works of Man". Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Earthquake Engineering Technology. Nov. 1970. Roorkee, V.P. India, p. 401-410.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1975, "Seismic and Geologic Siting Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants". U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Rules and Regulations. Title 10, Chapter 1 CFR Part 100. Appendix A.




How to Cite

Editor. (1978). Seismic effects on nuclear installations introduction, summary and recommendations. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 11(3), 161–180.