Expected seismic performance of gravity dams using machine learning techniques


  • Rocio Segura University of Sherbrooke, QC, Canada
  • Jamie Padgett Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
  • Patrick Paultre University of Sherbrooke, QC, Canada




Methods for the seismic analysis of dams have improved extensively in the last several decades. Advanced numerical models have become more feasible and constitute the basis of improved procedures for design and assessment. A probabilistic framework is required to manage the various sources of uncertainty that may impact system performance and fragility analysis is a promising approach for depicting conditional probabilities of limit state exceedance under such uncertainties. However, the effect of model parameter variation on the seismic fragility analysis of structures with complex numerical models, such as dams, is frequently overlooked due to the costly and time-consuming revaluation of the numerical model. To improve the seismic assessment of such structures by jointly reducing the computational burden, this study proposes the implementation of a polynomial response surface metamodel to emulate the response of the system. The latter will be computationally and visually validated and used to predict the continuous relative maximum base sliding of the dam in order to build fragility functions and show the effect of modelling parameter variation. The resulting fragility functions are used to assess the seismic performance of the dam and formulate recommendations with respect to the model parameters. To establish admissible ranges of the model parameters in line with the current guidelines for seismic safety, load cases corresponding to return periods for the dam classification are used to attain target performance limit states.


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How to Cite

Segura, R., Padgett, J., & Paultre, P. (2021). Expected seismic performance of gravity dams using machine learning techniques. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 54(2), 58–68. https://doi.org/10.5459/bnzsee.54.2.58-68