Modelling ground motion in the Hutt Valley, New Zealand
The Hutt Valley is an alluvial basin that hosts the city of Lower Hutt, in the North Island, New Zealand. The basin is bounded by the Wellington Fault on its northwest side, and exhibits ground motion amplification factors up to about 15, measured by several seismic experiments using weak motion and portable seismic arrays during 1990-1991. Synthetic seismograms computed by using local 1D stratigraphic models under each station reproduce qualitatively the amplitudes and durations of the corresponding observed seismograms at most of the soft site stations of the arrays. Amplification factors estimated from spectral ratios of the synthetic seismograms are up to about 9. The authors present comparisons of amplification between synthetics and observations, allowing a “calibration” of the model so that it could be used to determine more realistic ground amplifications for earthquake scenarios.
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