Revised isoseismal maps for the 1956 Bay of Plenty and 1987 Edgecumbe, New Zealand, earthquakes
Implications for seismic hazard and risk
The Modified Mercalli intensities of the 1956 Mw 6.3 Bay of Plenty and 1987 Mw 6.5 Edgecumbe earthquakes have recently been reviewed and about one-third of them were found to be erroneous. The resulting revisions to their isoseismal maps are substantial, and both new maps now show the strong influence of the high attenuation in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ). An analysis of the causes of the errors in the intensities is given. The new maps will help improve the modelling of attenuation in the TVZ, and will contribute to improvements in assessments of seismic hazard and risk in that region. An important implication is that the mean damage ratios estimated from studies of damage costs in the Edgecumbe earthquake by Dowrick and Rhoades are likely to be erroneously low, and need to be reviewed.
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